Socialism Means Central Control of the Means of Production

BREAKING NEWS, PASS THIS ON BY EVERY CHANNEL AVAILABLE TO YOU: Emails: Top Ukrainian Exec Asked Hunter How to ‘Use Your Influence’ on Burisma’s Behalf AND Facebook, Twitter ‘Reducing’ the Distribution of New York Post Story on Hunter Biden Emails (And by reducing the distribution, read “banning.”) Pass it on: email, phone, your blogs. Just pass it on. Show them they can’t silence AMERICANS!

Now onto the regular post.

Let us be clear on one thing. “Socialism” whatever form it takes: International, National, “Democratic”, “Market” (whatever that’s supposed to mean, but it was apparently a thing back in the 1940’s), whatever, cannot escape from the definition of socialism itself: an economic system where the economy is centrally planned and where the means of production are owned or controlled by the state. “Control” is the key element that makes it socialism. That is the core element of ownership. If one remains an owner “on paper” but the decisions about use are dictated by the state then it’s socialism. Because the real ownership is by those who make the decisions, whatever some piece of paper says about ownership.

Now, this is the important part. Tattoo it on your eyelids, add it as the welcome screen on your computer, whatever it takes to get you to learn it and remember it deep down in your gut:

YOU are a “means of production.” And that means that you need to be “controlled/owned” by the state. You. Not just your neighbor. Not just “the wealthy”, the “1%”, “cishet white males”, or whatever other group you want to bring down. You.

In socialism, the state decides what use you will be put to. Not you, yourself, not the nice party leader in your neighborhood, some bureaucrat a thousand miles away who doesn’t know the first thing about you personally except as a number in his spreadsheet…and cares even less.

Totalitarianism isn’t the result of socialism gone wrong. It’s the very core of socialism, following from the simple fact that the most important means of production, the most important capital, that needs to be centrally controlled by the very definition of socialism, is human capital.

And human capital means you.

It’s slavery. That the slaves–you and me–are owned and controlled by some vague collective (really someone who claims to be acting on behalf of that collective) instead of individual slave-owners does not change its essential nature. All the promises in the world about “fairness” and “equality” do not change that. Slavery that’s equal is still slavery.

A socialist society is a slave society. The only difference between it and other slave societies is that no one (except possibly a few nomenklatura–the handful claiming to act on behalf of the collected and being able to enforce their dictates) is free.

To advocate for socialism is to advocate for ones own slavery. (No, you won’t be part of that nomenklatura.) Well, if you want to make yourself a slave, that’s on you.

The problem is, you want me enslaved right alongside you.

7 thoughts on “Socialism Means Central Control of the Means of Production”

  1. What’s worse, the “means of production” isn’t just your bodies, and isn’t just your intellect — it’s your aspirations and imaginations and passions and drive — it’s your “soul”.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Thanks. Never understood how people can be so blind to the totalitarianism baked into socialism on any nation-scaled implementation. Or maybe that’s the draw for the more bloody minded, power craving amongst us. The thing is in the US no one is stopping people from voluntarily getting together, pooling their resources, buying and working a farm collectively or starting a collectively run business. In the system the advocates for socialism desire there would be no such freedom. The dream of socialism is nothing more than the very old desire to work one’s own will on the world. Whatever the motivation, whether well meaning or dastardly, it still comes down to the desire for power and control.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Marx wrote that economies evolve through stages of development. First agrarian, then Capitalist, then Socialist, and finally Communist. It is during the socialist phase that the STATE controls the means of production, distribution, and exchange. The state acts in proxy for the people, workers, proletariat. It is only after the state withers that the community, workers, proletariat take control of the MOP and govern with any state apparatus.
    True Communism has never been achieved (except on a tiny scale such as a farm community) because a state acting inproxy for the people will never relinquish power.
    Too many uneducated (and poorly educated) college age people think socialism communal control which offers free education and healthcare. They fail to understand that socialism is absolute control by a bureaucratic elite of which they are not a part of.


  4. Marx wrote that economies evolve through stages of development. First agrarian, then Capitalist, then Socialist, and finally Communist. It is during the socialist phase that the STATE controls the means of production, distribution, and exchange. The state acts in proxy for the people, workers, proletariat. It is only after the state withers that the community, workers, and proletariat take control of the MOP and govern without any state apparatus.
    True Communism has never been achieved (except on a tiny scale such as a farm community) because a state acting in proxy for the people will never relinquish power.
    Too many uneducated (and poorly educated) college age people think socialism is communal control which offers free education and healthcare. They fail to understand that socialism is absolute control by a bureaucratic elite of which they are not a part of.

    Edited for clarity


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