Where to start?

The question was asked elsewhere where to start with my stories.  The person tried Oruk Means Hard Work but couldn’t get into it.  Fair enough.  If we all liked the same things, think of what a tremendous natto shortage there would be.  So, here’a a brief precis of what I have out to help people decide where to start.

High Fantasy, you might like The Hordes of Chanakra (novel) or the shorter piece set in the same world (a couple of years after The Hordes of Chanakra) “The Kinmar”, or Treva’s Children which covers what happened to one of the minor characters in The Hordes of Chanakra near the end of that novel.

$2.99 in Kindle Store, Free to read in Kindle Unlimited, $14.99 in Paperback

$0.99 in Kindle Store, Free to read in Kindle Ulimited

Always $0.99 in Kindle Store, Free to read in Kindle Unlimited.

SF: Most of my FutureTech series. Shorts like EMT or Rainy Days and Moon Days, novel like Survival Test.

$2.99 in Kindle Store, Free to read on Kindle Unlimited, $9.99 in Paperback

Always $0.99 in Kindle Store, free to read in Kindle Unlimited

$0.99 in Kindle Store, Free to read in Kindle Store

If you like MilSF, there’s Shiva’s Whisper (also part of the FutureTech Industries series, although there’s no direct connection in that book…but planned to be in future books). It ties into the earlier “Live to Tell” (which also does not make explicit the connection within the book).

$2.99 on Kindle, $15.99 in Trade Paperback.  As always free to read on Kindle Unlimited

$0.99 in Kindle Store, Free to read in Kindle Unlimited

If you like your MilSF with a dose of giant monsters and Lovecraftian horror, there’s Big Blue. My daughter once said, when I was picking her up from daycare some years back, “someone should write Godzilla vs. Cthulhu” (How she knew about Cthulhu I do not know). The result was this book.

$2.99 in Kindle Store, Free to read in Kindle Store, $19.99 in Paperback

Alchemy of Shadows and The Unmasking are both urban/contemporary fantasy novels. The Unmasking is really dark in places. I don’t consider it quite horror because it lacks the nihilism in most of what I’ve seen of horror, but the monsters are nasty.

Paperback: $10.99
Kindle: $2.99
Kindle ebook free with purchase of paperback from Amazon

2.99 on Kindle.  $19.99 on paperback. As always, free to read on Kindle Unlimited.

The Thunderer is a collection of three shorts: one contemporary fantasy, one a retelling of myth, and one actually science fiction. Connecting theme is that all involve the Norse god Thor (or at least what someone thinks is Thor).

$0.99 in Kindle Store. Free to read on Kindle Unlimited.

The short, Lurker in the Water is horror, the only actual horror I’ve ever written.

$0.99 on Kindle or Free to read on Kindle Unlimited

The Chooser is my most recent release. It’s more or less contemporary fantasy in that it takes place in the present day although most of the action occurs in Valhalla (with brief side trips to Helheim).

$0.99 on Kindle, Always free on Kindle Unlimited

If one just wants a good sampling of my work, then I’d recommend Roaming the Universes.  It collects most of my short fiction published as of its compilation.  It’s the best value in terms of the stories you get for the price.

$2.99 on Kindle, $19.99 in paperback. As always, free to read in Kindle Unlimited

Everything of my own that I’ve released is available free to read on Kindle Unlimited so if you have that, you can try them without needing to spend any money beyond the KU subscription itself. And no need to feel guilty about shorting me in doing so either. I get paid for pages read by KU. So, feel free to indulge. I can’t say that for the anthologies I’m in–I have no control over distribution on that.

I’ve also got a sequel to Oruk Means Hard Work nearing release. Although a sequel my beta readers say that it does stand alone well.

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